Holiday Dementia Activity Bundle
ON SALE! Christmas Carol Matching Game, Holiday and Winter Coloring Bundle (which includes the Holiday Coloring Pack & Winter Coloring Pack), and Christmas Coloring Greeting Cards. These are all PDF digital downloads you print at home. Nothing is shipped.
Christmas Carol Matching Game -
This is an updated and expanded version of my original Christmas Carol Matching Game. You get color and ink friendly versions.
Music can be almost magical for some seniors living with dementia, and the well-known Christmas lyrics in this printable can help stir up memories of these favorite melodies. This updated game has large print, 32 matching pairs of familiar holiday songs and lyrics, and colorful designs that make sorting the cards super easy.
Includes printable game cards, answer sheets, and instructions.
Holiday and Winter Coloring Bundle - This bundle includes the Holiday Coloring Pack and Winter Coloring Pack
...Holiday Coloring Pack
Holiday-themed adult designs for seniors living with dementia. These large simple graphics with thick stroke lines help reduce confusion and frustration. Each design comes in 2 difficulty levels - easy and really easy - so you can choose the level most appropriate for your senior. Color versions of each design are included to help seniors who have trouble choosing colors or need a template to follow. These pages are adult designs seniors love - not juvenile.
This set includes 3 different full-page designs and 1 bookmark. Each design available in 2 difficulty levels for a total of 8 things to color. The color version of each design is also included.
...Winter Coloring Pack
Winter-themed adult designs for seniors living with dementia. These large simple graphics with thick stroke lines help reduce confusion and frustration. Each design comes in 2 difficulty levels - easy and really easy - so you can choose the level most appropriate for your senior. Color versions of each design are included to help seniors who have trouble choosing colors or need a template to follow. These pages are adult designs seniors love - not juvenile.
Includes 4 full-page coloring pages and 3 colorable bookmarks. Each design comes in 2 versions: easy and really easy for a total of 14 things to color. Color illustrations of each design are included.
Christmas Coloring Greeting Cards -
Set of Christmas coloring cards designed especially for seniors living with dementia. Three designs with each in 2 difficulty levels. Color versions of each design included helping seniors who have trouble making decisions.
Simple adult designs with thick stroke lines to build your senior's confidence.
Cards are formatted for printing on letter-size cardstock and folded in half. Final card size 8.5 X 5.5. You can print these borderless if your printer has that capability.
These cards printed on US letter-size paper will fit into an A9 envelope. Or, you can create an envelope from 12 X 12 scrapbook paper at home.